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Krippers Overall Stats

Best class:

7.51 wins out of 282 runs.

Most played:

with a total of 344 runs.

Total Arenas:
Average wins:

Game stats

  • Overall

    12700 - 5179
    Win %:
  • With coin

    5891 - 2904
    Win %:
  • Without coin

    6729 - 2255
    Win %:


Average Total
190 gold 3226 gold
8 dust 135 dust
1.06 packs 18 packs
0.12 plain cards 2 plain cards
0.41 golden cards 7 golden cards

With class:

Class Runs Avg. Wins Games played Ratio Win % Win % w coin Win % w/o coin
Death Knight 0 0 0 0 - 0 0% 0% 0%
Demon Hunter 3 6 24 18 - 6 75% 66.67% 83.33%
Druid 116 6.72 1136 800 - 336 70.42% 66.16% 75.57%
Hunter 104 6.57 975 683 - 292 70.05% 66.13% 73.85%
Mage 344 7.15 3469 2506 - 963 72.24% 69.19% 75.03%
Paladin 150 6.74 1481 1048 - 433 70.76% 67.21% 73.83%
Priest 182 6.24 1695 1165 - 530 68.73% 64.12% 72.19%
Rogue 282 7.51 2946 2158 - 788 73.25% 68.05% 78.16%
Shaman 129 6.76 1248 879 - 369 70.43% 66.61% 74.25%
Warlock 251 6.78 2484 1758 - 726 70.77% 65.62% 75.69%
Warrior 183 6.46 1728 1200 - 528 69.44% 66.74% 72.51%

Against class:

Class Games played % played Ratio Win % Win % w coin Win % w/o coin
Death Knight 0 0% 0 - 0 0% 0% 0%
Demon Hunter 13 0.07% 8 - 5 61.54% 66.67% 57.14%
Druid 1402 7.89% 1013 - 388 72.31% 70.37% 74.25%
Hunter 1428 8.03% 1030 - 398 72.13% 67.04% 77.29%
Mage 3737 21.02% 2631 - 1106 70.4% 65.88% 74.88%
Paladin 2569 14.45% 1850 - 719 72.01% 67.74% 76%
Priest 1957 11.01% 1419 - 538 72.51% 69.78% 75.2%
Rogue 2226 12.52% 1529 - 697 68.69% 63.26% 74.04%
Shaman 1407 7.91% 1038 - 369 73.77% 70.71% 76.8%
Warlock 1825 10.27% 1251 - 574 68.55% 63.59% 73.35%
Warrior 1213 6.82% 851 - 362 70.16% 67.85% 72.37%

Average Rewards:

Wins Gold Dust Packs Plain cards Golden cards Amount of runs
0 wins 1 0 1 0 0 1
1 wins 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 wins 0 0 1 1 0 1
3 wins 0 0 0 0 0 0
4 wins 65 15 1 0 0 1
5 wins 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 wins 115 13 1 0 0 3
7 wins 170 0 1 0 0 1
8 wins 177 0 1 0.33 0.67 3
9 wins 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 wins 253 20 1 0 0.75 4
11 wins 455 0 1 0 0 1
12 wins 325 0 1.5 0 1 2

Recently finished arena runs:

ClassRatioCreated atAvg. TierscoreArchetype
Demon Hunter3 - 3Dec 8, 202168 tierscore *Mid-Range
Warlock5 - 3Aug 4, 202166.3 tierscore *Mid-Range
Demon Hunter12 - 0Mar 31, 202175.3 tierscore *Mid-Range
Mage2 - 3Mar 31, 202171 tierscore *Attrition
Mage7 - 3Aug 10, 202077.9 tierscore *Tempo
Druid4 - 3Aug 10, 202075.5 tierscore *Attrition
Rogue7 - 3Aug 9, 202076.6 tierscore *Tempo
Paladin11 - 3Jun 3, 202078.2 tierscore *Classic Control
Demon Hunter3 - 3Apr 8, 202074.2 tierscore *Classic Control
Priest3 - 3Apr 8, 202077.9 tierscore *Classic Control